The Undervoltage Monitor With Reset (acknowledgment) has outputs for a signal, buzzer or other indicators. It can be used to turn on/off acoustic or optical warning signals when the input voltage drops below/exceeds a defined voltage level. When the input voltÂage apÂplied to terÂmiÂnal 15 drops below the deÂfined threshÂold voltÂage outÂputs 87, 87a, and C are turned on. OutÂput 87 can be switched off again via reset input x (acÂknowlÂedgeÂment) while outÂputs 87a and C reÂmain on. When the input voltÂage on terÂmiÂnal 15 exÂceeds the deÂfined threshÂold voltÂage all outÂputs are switched off. CusÂtom threshÂold voltÂages are availÂable on reÂquest. Please refer to the chapÂter housÂing and base plates for adÂdiÂtional housÂing opÂtions.
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Undervoltage Monitor with Reset 12 V
SKU: 1.008.11x
61,45 € inc. VAT
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